(All new and returning members of Orchestra)
This donation helps offset program costs such as music printing, purchase, and licensing; transportation and travel; competition fees; instruction and consultation; equipment; events and awards; administrative costs; and student hospitality.
The suggested donation of $400 per student will go a long way toward covering our basics. Please consider increasing your donation if possible (and seek corporate matching funds to amplify your donation) to help support others facing financial hardship and to move us away from the zone of just getting the basics and more toward the ability to provide our wonderful students with the materials and experiences that will best fit their talents and needs. Every donation is appreciated, no matter how large or small, and no student will be denied participation based on donation activity. We're all in this together!
We accept credit card donations here on FutureFund, which charges an additional planform fee. To avoid the fee, write a check payable to Amador Friends of Music. Please include your email address on the check if you would like a receipt. Mail checks to AFM, PO Box 602, Pleasanton CA 94566, or drop checks off at the main office to be placed in Shelley Durbin's box. Make sure you notate on the check and on the envelope that the check is for the choir/orchestra program.